Every Ethernet jack is a security hole in your
network and that this "security hole" is exploited when a device uses
that jack to provide additional connection points without network
management. WiSentry works on this premise by passively examining the traffic that
passes by the WiSentry Agent. By passes by, we mean that the
agents can only detect access points where they have access to the
network traffic. WiSentry agents do not "crawl" your network
looking for devices.
There are three required elements for deploying
- A WiSentry Control Server must be installed on a
machine on the network.
- One or more WiSentry Agents must be deployed on segments or
VLANs to be monitored.
- A WiSentry Administrator must be installed to view
the "discovery" of devices on the network.
Understanding this basic concept suggests a few
scenarios on how and where WiSentry can be deployed to provide 24x7 coverage of
your entire network. The examples below are relatively simple but
should serve to give a basic understanding of WiSentry Agent deployment.
WiSentry in a Non-Segmented Network
This environment really only exists in test labs and
small businesses where all network devices are attached to a hub.
All WiSentry components are
deployed on a single machine and the entire network is monitored.
WiSentry in a Segmented Network
For simple networks that route traffic with switches,
WiSentry Agents can be deployed onto a single machine on each segment and
monitor the entire segment.
to represent a WiSentry Agent, the above network can be protected using
WiSentry Agents in the following manner. The WiSentry Control
Server and the WiSentry Administrator can be deployed on a single machine
or separate machines on the same network.
WiSentry in a Virtual LAN Environment
While segmenting traffic with physical devices is
effective, network administrators have discovered that creating virtual
segments of logical network groupings is more effective. By
logically grouping network groups, physical nodes can be moved as
necessary while maintaining the network efficiency of segmented traffic.
to represent a WiSentry Agent, the above virtual network can be protected
using a single WiSentry Agent watching all VLANs. The
WiSentry Control Server and the WiSentry Administrator can be deployed on
a single machine or separate machines on the same network.
WiSentry in a Mixed Mode Network
The reality to the above
scenarios is that most networks live somewhere between the efficient
physical segmentation and highly effective virtual network segmentation.
to represent a WiSentry Agent, the above network can be protected using
WiSentry Agents on each physical segment as well using a single WiSentry
Agent watching all VLANs. The WiSentry Control Server and the
WiSentry Administrator can be deployed on a single machine or separate
machines on the same network.